Ethiopian Fine Coffees at AFCA’s 11th Annual Conference
An Ethiopian coffee delegation attended the 11th Annual Conference of the African Fine Coffees Association held between February 12th and 15th 2014 in Bujumbura, Burundi. With an attendance of more than 600 participants, the AFCA conference hosted around 47 exhibitors of which the Ethiopian delegation was one. Under the theme of “Ethiopian Fine Coffees: Building a Sustainable Coffee Future” the Ethiopian booth hosted a traditional coffee ceremony; French press preparation of top coffees and enabled delegation members to display product samples and organizational information. The Ethiopian delegation also received the best booth award for the branding style and different activities undertaken in the booth. Aseffa Mulugeta from the Ministry of Trade received the award during the AFCA closing ceremony.
The Ethiopian booth comprised of representatives from the following ministries and organizations:
- Ministry of Trade (MOT)
- Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX)
- Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)
- Ethiopian Coffee Exporters Association (ECEA)
- Sidamo, Oromia, Kaffa, Bench Maji and Limu Farmers’ Cooperative Unions
- Mullega/Adulina, Tracon, BNT, Midroc Group and Primrose
Through a business to business luncheon hosted by the Ethiopian delegation on the margins of the conference, more than 50 participants including representatives from major international buyers including Nestle, Starbucks, Mercon, ETC, Schluter, Lavazza were in attendance. The interactions during AFCA with international buyers culminated into newly developed and strengthened partnerships with existing ones. It is expected that these partnerships formed will translate into actual sales and demand for Ethiopian coffee.
Site: AllAfrica News: Ethiopia